Student Management
Keep track of your student information & communication all in one place

All your students in one place!
Say goodbye to spreadsheets, contact lists, email chains, and paper registration forms. My Music Staff keeps everything you need to know about your families in one easy-to-manage central location.

Manage your student list
Add your students in just a few clicks – include as much or as little information as you need! Include contact info, family members, notes & attachments, and so much more. Plus, add student birthdays to send an automated birthday email!

Send emails & SMS messages
Send custom emails in bulk directly through My Music Staff! The Message History will save a record of all emails & automated SMS messages sent through MMS. Or save valuable time by selecting families to add to new text message on your device.

Organize groups
Sort your students into custom groups to make scheduling, billing, and communication a breeze. Use the different student status options to keep your active students apart from your waitlist, leads, and more!

Import your students
Already have a list of student information? Upload a spreadsheet or copy & paste and My Music Staff will walk you through the simple setup. Make the switch today!

Start your 30-DAY FREE trial now
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