Add teachers & staff members, manage their access, and calculate payroll

Expand your studio with ease
Built-in multi-teacher features and a simple pricing structure make it easy to grow your business! Manage teacher permissions, calculate payroll, and more.

Customize account permissions
Your teachers & staff may have different skills and different responsibilities. Whether they just need to take attendance, or they need to update the website & create reports, My Music Staff can handle it! Enable different permissions for each teacher or staff member so they only have access to what they need.

Automatically calculate payroll
Take the guesswork out of what your teachers earn. Calculate payroll as a flat hourly rate or a percentage of their revenue. Plus, with flexible options like category payroll overrides there’s no need for manual adjustments.

Enable individual access
Keep your teachers organized and accountable! Each of your teachers can sign in to view their own schedule, take their own attendance, write their own lesson notes, and much more! No need for teachers to be sharing an account and accessing each other’s information.
Start your 30-DAY FREE trial now
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